Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Mandy's off to SNAP! this week and has been busily preparing. Last night she got frustrated with her embroidery machine while trying to add her custom logo to a canvas bag. It just wouldn't work for her. She vowed that she needed a new machine, which I knew would cost more than all three of my motorcycles put together (don't judge me because I spend differently than you).

Email from Mandy today: "did you pray for my sanity?  I tried to sew that bag again this morning and it worked.  awesome."  

My reply: "I pray for your sanity several times daily."

Fortunately, she's heading to a place where sanity is not questioned for things like embroidered bags, frame walls, spray painted lawns, pallet furniture, or dumpster diving.

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  1. Good husband! Sanity prayers are a much needed commodity in the crafting world! haha

  2. Haha, I can beat you on this one. My husband started with the $500 sewing machine with embroidery functions and upgraded to the 6-needle entrepreneurial level machine within 6 months. Why? Because he wanted to make patches and hats and shirts for his Star Wars light saber group. He got his machine on layaway from a local business though and has almost paid it off in less than a year. It was under $6k.


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