It's been a busy spring. Between photo shoots, blogger conferences, painting frames, and making pants out of T-shirts, Mandy's been pretty busy. That mean's I've been pretty busy as well. Maybe I can talk Mandy into getting me a virtual assistant. I've been thinking I need one ever since I read about it in the 4-Hour Work Week.
If I did have my own virtual assistant, I'd have them write one of those bullet-point laden posts about nothing in particular...
You might be married to a craft blogger if...
- You've been to busy to write a post for over a week.
- You covertly snuck items out to the curb on big trash day (pallets, anyone?) that might have been future projects.
- You catch your wife using your power tools "inappropriately" last week and disallow her from using them without your supervision. Jennifer
- You have to dig out empty food containers out of the trash for a decor project. Colleen
- You dread garage sale season because you know you will loose more garage and basement space to things normal people didn't want.
- You secretly dream about the day when a random stranger will stop you and say "I love your wife's blog."
- Your to-do list while your wife is out of town includes publishing a sponsored post.
- You don't own a power hand mixer, and you don't need one.
- You have to take your kid to Lowe's wearing these pants. At least I don't have a pair. Yet.

Do you or your man have any good ones? Let's hear 'em.
haha. Funny as always! Thanks for the laughs. :)