Monday, June 11, 2012

Monday Mockery

Mandy loves Pinterest.  Who doesn't these days?  She helped me get signed up for Pinterest fairly early.  I thought I was probably one of the only guys who had an account.  I used it as a visual bookmark of car and motorcycle project ideas.  You can see my pins here.  But they're probably not your style.  Mandy doesn't even follow me.

Mandy was educating me on her Pinterest philosophy.  She only pins things that she actually wants to make, sew, or cook.  She has several "boards" you can follow to see what she's planning.  I thought if I was going to blog about her blogging, I'd better follow her and see what she's up to.  This assumes that I'll actually log into Pinterest from time to time.

So the first thing I saw when I started following Mandy's boards was this hippie towel poncho from Make it and Love It.  She can't wait to make it and I'm sure it'll be fun for the kids.  Just what we need around the house.  More towels sewn into things.  But..

...I just saw that the instructions have been taken down, so might I recommend this lovely number here for only $16.95?

I sometimes wonder if I'll ever run out of things Mandy does or blogs about that I can shake my head about and blog about.  I quick glance at her Pinterest board assured me that I'll have plenty of content for as long I want to blog...or for as long as Mandy lets me blog.  I'll probably mock one of her pins once a week or so.  Don't be offended if I pick your project.  It's a pretty good indicator that it'll go viral in the craft blog world.


  1. I hope she makes that for you and blogs about it!!! You always make me laugh!

  2. Oh, my, looks like a Mexican blanket gone all wrong. The look on the man's face would be better photo edited out.

  3. I LOVE it. I think that your version will get many smiles! You are getting one for each member of the family right?I might have to pin this to my weird and wonderful board:-)

  4. Totally awesome! Definitely cracks me up reading this blog.

  5. Lol! Lol! I agree! How many towels sewn into other things do you need.

  6. Haha!!! That's too funny! And yep, you can pretty much make anything from a towel...

  7. I just found your blog (and now your wife's). My hubby just started blogging too and is brand new to pinterest as well. You are not alone. I'm sure his pins are all related to his motorcycle too. :)

  8. I've been following Mandy's blog for a while now, but somehow just discovered yours. Love it! My husband just commented tonight that the guys at work talk about how much ALL their wives use Pinterest and how they just don't get it, lol. I think if I show them the towel poncho they'll understand.


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